OneLab Connects with III IoTLab, Taiwan / August 19, 2015

We are excited to announce that III IoTLab has become the newest addition to the OneLab federation. III IoTLab is an Internet of Things testbed that is operated by the Institute for Information Industry (III) in Taiwan. This testbed joins the FIT IoT-Lab testbeds as the seventh IoT platform. The III IoTLab platform has 16 wireless sensor nodes that are designed to achieve reproducibility of experimentation and testing in real world settings.

The addition of III IoTLab to the OneLab facility comes one year after III signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UPMC and Inria, two members of the OneLab governing board. III IoTLab has worked extensively with the OneLab team to develop their resources, which are available for reservation and experimentation through the OneLab portal (

To learn more about III IoTLab and its experiment capabilities, please visit their website at

OneLab Connects with III IoTLab, Taiwan
OneLab Connects with III IoTLab, Taiwan
OneLab Connects with III IoTLab, Taiwan

OneLab at the EU CNC Conference in Paris / June 29, 2015

OneLab will be presenting a tutorial in a joint workshop session with AmpliFIRE, CREW, and WiSHFUL at the EU CNC conference in Paris on June 29 - July 02.

Workshop: 5G Testbeds and Hands-On Experimental Research Workshop

The morning session will be focused on initiating a general discussion on 5G and experimental test beds. This will involve strategic presentations on the future of 5G, discussions on how experimental research and test beds could help the take up and successful development of 5G, and also how 5G technology could support the evolution and/or integration of test beds. Both technical and policy issues will be addressed, centered on the questions of WHAT needs to be done and HOW this can be achieved. The morning session will close with panel discussion, which will have the objective of coming to some conclusions on possible directions to follow.

The afternoon session will be dedicated to discussing specific technical issues that are on the table at this stage, and the steps that can be taken to resolve these issues in order to contribute to the technology evolution presented during the morning session. A hands-on tutorial of the OneLab experimental facility will also be presented in the afternoon, allowing participants experience in navigating the OneLab portal and deploying experiments across our heterogeneous platforms.

More information, agenda & speakers on the workshop web page at:

(long link:

The EuCNC registration is OPEN (with early bird registration options till May 29)!

OneLab Tutorial at EU CNC in Paris / June 29, 2015

OneLab teamed up with the FIRE community in the joint workshop session, 5G Testbeds and Hands-on Experimental Research, at the EU CNC 2015 conference in Paris. The workshop, jointly organized by the AmpliFIRE, CREW, and WiSHFUL projects, alongside the OneLab facility, explored the future of 5G and the role of experimental testbeds in supporting its development. The morning session held talks by leaders from key research institutions, such as iMinds, Aalto University, University of Bologna and UPMC - Paris 6, along with innovative industries such as Telecom Italia, Interinnov, Alcatel, and Orange.

The afternoon session focused on enabling intelligence in heterogeneous wireless networks, and saw presentations from TU Berlin, iMinds, nCentric, Trinity College Dublin, ParisTech, and the University of York. The workshop session closed with a hands-on tutorial of the OneLab portal and facility, with a focus on demonstrating the success of experimental facilities following the OneLab model. Audience members were able to see the types of testing that can be done on the OneLab facility, and understand the benefit of testbed research to the 5G and IoT community.

A full program of events, along with presentations from the workshop speakers, can be found on the EU CNC workshop page:

OneLab tutorial at ResCom Summer School / June 24, 2015

The OneLab team hosted a half-day tutorial session as part of the week-long ResCom summer school event. This tutorial session taught users how to navigate the OneLab portal and experiment directly on FIT platforms. This year's ResCom summer school focused on the theme of Smart Cities, with a specific emphasis on how the Internet of Things can pave the way for the future of smart cities. The OneLab tutorial allowed users to see examples of experiments that they can run on the federation's testbeds, and understand how OneLab can benefit their research by providing a large-scale, open platform for experimentation.

The session opened with an overview of the OneLab facility, and the audience was presented the 17 federated testbeds, their different characteristics, and the experimentation process. Slides from the presentation can be found at this site: Following the presentation, the audience split into three groups to conduct hands-on, guided tutorials on either the PlanetLab Europe, NITOS-Lab, or FIT IoT-Lab platforms.

OneLab tutorial at ResCom Summer School
OneLab tutorial at ResCom Summer School
OneLab tutorial at ResCom Summer School

OneLab wins best demo award at TRIDENTCOM 2015! / June 24, 2015

OneLab is honored to have received the Best Demo award at this year's TRIDENTCOM 2015 conference in Vancouver, BC! The OneLab demo opened with a presentation on the OneLab federation, and continued to walk the audience through experimentation on the FIT IoT-Lab platforms. Loic Baron, UPMC/CNRS, and Frédérick Saint-Marcel, Inria, showed audience members how to reserve FIT IoT-Lab nodes through the OneLab portal, and how to access and test radio communications between two nodes.

OneLab wins best demo award at TRIDENTCOM 2015!
OneLab wins best demo award at TRIDENTCOM 2015!

OneLab at IoT Week, Lisbon / June 17, 2015

OneLab software engineer, Yasin Rahman, presented OneLab and its federated testbeds in both tutorial and workshop sessions at this year’s IoT Week in Lisbon, Portugal. The OneLab tutorial marks the first of many upcoming tutorials that OneLab will put on at various conferences --namely Ecole Rescom, TRIDENTCOM, and EU CNC.

OneLab presentations were given during FIRE workshops on both the Research and Industry days at IoT Week. These presentations focused on the offerings of the FIT IoT-Lab platforms, and the opportunities available to both scientific researchers as well as industries.
OneLab at IoT Week, Lisbon
OneLab at IoT Week, Lisbon
OneLab at IoT Week, Lisbon

Dr. Friedman at the Taiwan-France ICCM in Taipei / June 17, 2015

Scientific director, Dr. Timur Friedman, presented the OneLab federation within the framework of FIT-Equipex at the 22nd Taiwan-France Industrial Cooperation Consultation Meeting in Taipei. Prof. Friedman’s presentation focused on the FIT IoT-Lab platforms and the benefits available to industries through experimental testing on Internet of Things testbeds. The presence of OneLab at the ICCM follows the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between FIT partner UPMC and the Institute for Information Industry (III) Taiwan. The signing of this MoU and the increased collaboration between FIT and its Taiwanese partners will lead to the incorporation of III’s IoT testbed into the OneLab federation.

Pictured below with Dr. Friedman are Mr. Chia-Hsiang Chang, Advisor, Science & Technology, Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT), MOEA (Ministry of Economic Affairs) and Dr. Ming-Whei Feng, Director General, Smart Network System Institute (SNSI), Institute for Information Industry (III).

Dr. Friedman at the Taiwan-France ICCM in Taipei

UPMC at the 23rd GENI Engineering Conference (GEC23) / June 16, 2015

Radomir Klacza, system engineer at UPMC and for the OneLab team, attended GEC23 in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA. As UPMC moves forward on building a small Cloud testbed, Radomir’s presence at GEC23 represents an increased collaboration with GENI and allowed for discussion with the US’s CloudLab experts.

Radomir also presented a poster and demo for the SmartFIRE FP7 framework project of which UPMC is a partner. The project is part of the EU’s FIRE initiative, and has built a federation of testbeds between the EU and Korea. More information on SmartFIRE can be found on their website at
UPMC at the 23rd GENI Engineering Conference (GEC23)
UPMC at the 23rd GENI Engineering Conference (GEC23)

OneLab at INFOCOM 2015 in Hong Kong / April 29, 2015

OneLab is honored to have been present at the IEEE INFOCOM 2015 conference in Hong Kong in April. OneLab president Serge Fdida, representing the OneLab team, gave a presentation and demo at the conference's session on Wednesday 29 April. The demo showed users how to sign up for an account on the OneLab portal, and how to browse and reserve resources. The experiment that was deployed for this INFOCOM session was across our NITLab wireless platform in Volos and PlanetLab Europe (PLE), demonstrating to users how they can experiment across heterogeneous testbeds.

For more information on the conference proceedings, a full list of the demos can be found on the IEEE INFOCOM website at:


OpenLab Project Honoured at UPMC Ceremony / April 14, 2015

The OpenLab European project was recognized by the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) in a university-wide ceremony to honor excellence in research. UPMC recognized the OpenLab project for the Etoile de l'Europe award that it received from the French Minister of Higher Education and Research in December 2014.

The OpenLab project, financed by the European Commission FP7 program, led to the establishment of the OneLab experimental facility. UPMC Professor Serge Fdida, also the president of OneLab and the coordinator of the now-finished OpenLab project, received the recognition on behalf of the OpenLab team.

OpenLab Project Honoured at UPMC Ceremony
OpenLab Project Honoured at UPMC Ceremony
OpenLab Project Honoured at UPMC Ceremony

OneLab in Brussels: FIRE workshop and NetFutures 2015 / March 25, 2015

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the OpenLab booth at NetFutures 2015 in Brussels this past week! We were very excited to be a part of this successful event, which brought together members from all facets of European technology industry --from large corporations such as Google and Ericsson, to key players in European future internet projects that provide the platform for industrial innovation.

OneLab was also featured at the CI FIRE Industry workshop on future internet testing and opportunities for European businesses. Software engineer Loic Baron presented the OneLab federation, highlighting our open platforms that are available to all. For more information on the contents of the workshop, including presenter's slides and a collection of interview, please visit the CI FIRE website:


Don't forget to watch our video from NetFutures to learn more about OneLab!

OneLab in Brussels: FIRE workshop and NetFutures 2015
OneLab in Brussels: FIRE workshop and NetFutures 2015
OneLab in Brussels: FIRE workshop and NetFutures 2015

Future Internet Testing - Opportunities for European Businesses Workshop / March 24, 2015

OneLab will be featured at the 2nd Industry Workshop, hosted by CI-FIRE alongside FUSION, the FanTaaStic Broker Service of EIT ICT Labs, and AmpliFIRE. The workshop will take place on 24 March 2015 at the Egg in Brussels.

OneLab will join FanTaaStic and iMinds for a session on smart, sustainable services for future internet testing. Here, we will illustrate to attendees the capabilities of our federated platforms, and the benefits that SMEs, industries, and researchers will gain from large-scale and remote experimentation on our testbeds.

The 2nd CI-FIRE Industry Workshop focuses on the business case for software and hardware testing before taking new future internet products and services to market. Large-scale experimental deployments and test solutions are becoming increasingly important also to address security risks of IoT. Businesses can learn about cutting-edge ICT facilities that support larger scale testing in realistic conditions.

Staying ahead of the curve
The future internet offers lots of new ways for businesses to be innovative and competitive in their respective markets. New advanced capabilities mean companies are now able to deliver more personalised applications, products and services. New revenue streams created by future internet technologies are opening the door to market innovations in ways just not possible a decade ago. Leading ICT companies are also looking to savvy SMEs to boost their innovation and offer important incentives for their R&D projects on IoT, cloud and big data. Businesses that don’t embrace the opportunity will struggle to survive as their competitors disrupt the market.

Testing the future today
World-class European test bed services offer companies the support they need so they can test, not guess, the added value of new products and services before taking them to market.
These services are designed to test the future and make it safe. How? By putting innovations first in controlled environments – test beds - evaluating them before bringing them to the real world.

The services presented support the business innovation life cycle at every stage so businesses don't waste time developing something that won't work. This is the best way to make sure only the right products get to market, quickly and effectively.
A full description of the workshop can be found on the following page, along with a link to registration for the workshop:
Future Internet Testing - Opportunities for European Businesses Workshop

Future Internet Opportunities for Innovative European Businesses / March 9, 2015

Don't miss OneLab in a panel session at the Future Internet Opportunities for Innovative European Businesses workshop hosted by Digital Catapult on 9 March in London! Join other SMEs, industrial innovators, small businesses, entrepreneurs, and clusters to learn about the FIRE resources available for you.

OneLab offers a set of world-class testbeds to help your product improve and become market-ready. We also offer assitance throughout the experimentation process, to ensure that you are obtaining the most accurate results possible.

More information about the workshop, including a program of events, can be found here.

OpenLab Project Selected for NetFutures 2015 Exhibition Booth / February 17, 2015

We are happy to announce that the OpenLab project has been selected for an exhibition booth at the NetFutures 2015 conference in Brussels! The FP7 framework project, OpenLab, created the OneLab facility through developing the federation framework structure. The NetFutures committee selected the OpenLab project to showcase its success: the federation architecture developed through OpenLab is being adopted by several further European initiatives on future Internet experimentation, such as Fed4FIRE, a project comprised of 15 European partners and two international partners. OpenLab’s architecture has also had a significant impact beyond the European research communities, notably in China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Brazil. In addtion, the French government, represented in person by the ministers for Europe and for higher education and research, awarded OpenLab as one of the country’s twelve “Etoiles de l’Europe” for 2014.

The OpenLab booth at NetFutures will showcase the federation structure of OneLab through the incorporation of SFA and MySlice. We will also show the characteristics of our federation platforms, and provide explanations of the OneLab portal. Attendees to NetFutures will be able to sign up directly on the OneLab portal for immediate and free access to resources from PlanetLab Europe, FIT IoT-Lab and NITOS-Lab.

NetFutures will be held 25-26 March 2015 at the Egg in Brussels. More event information can be found here:

OneLab Governor's Board Meeting / February 17, 2015

The OneLab Governor's Board meeting was held on February 17 at UPMC, Paris. This was the first meeting of the board since OneLab's official opening in August 2014.

Present at the meeting were OneLab president Serge Fdida, Executive Director Timur Friedman, and board members Walid Dabbous from Inria, Piet Demeester from iMinds, Florian Schreiner of the Technical University of Berlin, and Thanasis Korakis from the University of Thessaly.

OneLab Governor's Board Meeting
OneLab Governor's Board Meeting
OneLab Governor's Board Meeting

Ministry Members Visit NOC for a Tour of the FIT-Equipex Facility / February 3, 2015

Members of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research visited the OneLab network operations center on Tuesday, located at UPMC Paris, for a tour of the FIT-Equipex platforms. OneLab welcomed Pascal Fouillat, director of the Mathematics, Physics, Nanoscience, STIC department; and scientific advisors Marc Asch, Patrick Garda, and Marcelo Dias de Amorim, who are investigating the development of research infrastructures on connected objects. For this reason, they toured the FIT facility to learn about the OneLab system of federation and the testbeds available to users. Our Ministry guests were able to witness the world-wide scale of our platforms and the types of exhaustive experimentation for which our testbeds allow.

FIT offers a federation of several independent experimental testbeds to provide a larger-scale, more diverse and high-performance platform than ever before available. Such a federation of independent networking experimental facilities achieves the scale and realism of experimentation that is required to support innovative future internet research.

For more information on the FIT-Equipex, please visit the FIT website


Ministry Members Visit NOC for a Tour of the FIT-Equipex Facility
Ministry Members Visit NOC for a Tour of the FIT-Equipex Facility
Ministry Members Visit NOC for a Tour of the FIT-Equipex Facility

Software Engineer Wanted for INRIA Wireless Testbed / January 30, 2015

The Inria Sophia-Antipolis Research Center is looking for a software engineer for a 24 month (1 year renewable) contract to work on their new "R2LAB" wireless testbed. The software engineer will be in charge of enhancing and operating an experimental wireless testbed running in an anechoic chamber.

This job position is for an experienced engineer who will contribute to the enhancement and operation of the above mentioned wireless testbed. Reporting to the Scientific Leader of the DIANA Project-team, the selected candidate will be in charge of extending/debugging the testbed to support software defined networking (SDN) and LTE experimentation. He/She will also be in charge of installing specific tools for operating the testbed.

Required qualifications:

Engineering degree, or equivalent, in Computer Science, or in Electrical Engineering.

At least 2 years of experience as a software engineer.

For further information on the job, please contact Thierry Parmentelat (



FIT NITOS-Lab Paris Testbed Installed at UPMC / January 1, 2015

As part of the FIT (Future Internet of Things) project, a wireless NITOS testbed with 40 nodes was successfully installed at the LIP6 lab of UPMC, Paris. This platform will join the NITLab platform in Volos as well as two other FIT NITOS-Lab platforms in Evry and Sophia-Antipolis, to provide users with access to wireless Icarus nodes. The NITOS-Lab Paris platform will allow users to choose from orbit-like nodes operating at a variety of frequencies, thus deploying their experiments in customizable settings and real-world environments.

NITOS-Lab Paris nodes can be reserved directly through the OneLab portal at

FIT NITOS-Lab Paris Testbed Installed at UPMC
FIT NITOS-Lab Paris Testbed Installed at UPMC
FIT NITOS-Lab Paris Testbed Installed at UPMC

Taiwan Networking Cooperation Forum with UPMC and Inria / December 18, 2014

UPMC and Inria were welcomed by Taiwan's Institute for Information Industry (III) for their Networking Cooperation Forum 17-18 December 2014. Representatives from the FIT and the OneLab facility, UPMC and Inria, attended this forum on intelligence networking, and were able to see III’s developing IoT testbed. This forum opened a new chapter in bilateral research for future internet experimentation between Taiwan and France, who have pledged their mutual cooperation through a Memorandum of Understanding that was signed on September 12, 2014 in Paris. The purpose of the Networking Cooperation Forum was to exchange results and innovative steps that each party has made in future internet research, with a focus on how this research can be beneficial for the industrial sector. As consortium members of The OneLab facility, UPMC and Inria have valuable experience in working with testbeds providers to develop their resources to such a level that SMEs and industrial innovators for product testing and research can use the platforms. III invited us to attend their forum and welcomed our assistance in building a new Internet of Things testbed. Taiwan's testbed will be modeled after the IoT-Lab testbeds, part of OneLab facility. The main goal of the visit, besides information exchange, was to seek for industrial interest in the OneLab type of facility, mostly from industry.

The Networking Cooperation Forum brought together Future Internet IoT testbed providers with SMEs and industrial innovators to demonstrate the benefits of federation and testing on experimentation platforms.

A further report of the conference proceedings can also be found on the CI FIRE website:

Taiwan Networking Cooperation Forum with UPMC and Inria

OpenLab Project Honored with Etoiles de l’Europe Award / December 16, 2014

OpenLab was one of twelve projects given the highly esteemed “Etoiles de l’Europe” award from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. This award is given each year as part of the Horizon 2020 initiative to honor innovative research projects that have reinforced the influence of France in both the European and International research scene. The OpenLab project, which has culminated in the production of the OneLab experimental facility, was recognized for its open, sustainable, and unique services that provide all users with access to experimentation on future internet testbeds.


The Ministry of Higher Education and Research further applauded the OpenLab project and its European and international partners for their display of successful and strong international and multi organizational collaboration.

Serge Fdida, president of OneLab and coordinator of OpenLab, accepted the award on behalf of UPMC and its partners.

OpenLab Project Honored with Etoiles de l’Europe Award
OpenLab Project Honored with Etoiles de l’Europe Award
OpenLab Project Honored with Etoiles de l’Europe Award

Opening of IoT-LAB Paris-Rocquencourt Site / December 1, 2014

We are pleased to annouce the opening of FIT IoT-LAB's newest platform located at Inria Paris-Rocquencourt! This site boasts a total of 344 A8, M3, and WSN430. Of these, there are 200 A8 nodes equipped with GPS, 10 of which are deployed outside.

IoT-LAB Paris-Rocquencourt is one of six IoT-LAB platforms located in France. More information on the Paris-Rocquencourt site can be found at the platform's page on the IoT-LAB website.

Information on the other five IoT-LAB sites can be found on the IoT-LAB platform page. IoT-LAB offers over 2000 wireless sensor nodes with difference architectures and deployment topologies.

FIRE-GENI Workshop / November 20, 2014

The FIRE-GENI workshop was held in Paris at UPMC's Zamansky Tower on November 20-21st 2014. At the workshop, participants engaged in discussion ove the future of internet testbed federations and heard presentations on new platforms, resources, and control systems that are being made available to users.

Guests were given a tour of the OneLab Network Operations Center (NOC) where they were able to witness the work being done at LIP6 as well as the new FIT NITOS-Lab platform installed by the lab.

FIRE-GENI Workshop
FIRE-GENI Workshop

IoT LAB Workshop and Opening at Inria Grenoble-Rhône Alpes / November 7, 2014

IoT LAB gave a conference and workshop for its testbed site opening at Inria Grenoble Rhône Alpes. Participants heard presentations from experts in the field of Internet of Things, discussing the benefit of IoT testbed experimentation for both academic research and industrial motivations. Speakers presented their research in the IoT domain, specifically targeting experimentation through testing, verification, deployment, integration, management, and federation of platforms.

Demonstrations on the remote testing capabilities of the platform were shown through deployment of experiments on robots developed by the IoT LAB team.

More information about FIT IoT LAB can be found on their website:

IoT LAB Workshop and Opening at Inria Grenoble-Rhône Alpes
IoT LAB Workshop and Opening at Inria Grenoble-Rhône Alpes
IoT LAB Workshop and Opening at Inria Grenoble-Rhône Alpes

IoT Workshop - Call for Participation / November 6, 2014

OneLab is promoting a call for participation for FIT-IoT Lab's workshop on November 6th and 7th, 2014. This workshop will take place at the INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alps research center in Montbonnot and registration is free for both days. Please send (First Name/Last Name/Email/Affiliation) to by October 24, 2014 to participate. The central focus of the workshop will be on the testing, deployment, management, integration and federation of experimental platforms, with speakers from both academia and industry.

Proposals may be submitted to the conference by October 19, 2014. All proposals should be sent to and must include the name and affiliation of the speaker, along with a title of the presentation and a short description of the proposal.

For more information, including a preliminary program of events, please visit the FIT IoT-Lab's workshop website at


CorteXlab Inaugural Ceremony / October 28, 2014

FIT’s CorteXlab opened its doors with an inauguration ceremony on October 28th at INSA-Lyon. CorteXlab, a cognitive radio testbed, enables experimenters to deploy and develop new technologies that mitigate the issue of shared wireless device access within the existing radio spectrum. CorteXlab will allow users to remotely test their experiments on existing nodes; the architecture will also be open to third party industries that will be able to deploy front-end and baseband systems.

The inaugural ceremony opened with presentations on cooperation in cognitive radio networks from Prof. H. Vincent Poor of Princeton University; the driving forces and challenges behind 5G services from Dr. Hans-Peter Mayer of Bell Labs; and a focus on the scientific challenges of 5G from Prof. Mérouane Debbah of the Ecole Normale Supérieur de Cachan. Participants were given a tour of the CorteXlab’s anechoic chamber, which shields the testbed from outside signal interference. This provides a protected environment for experimenters to manipulate and achieve the desired testing scenarios.

The ceremony closed with speeches from Jean-François Gerard of INSA, François Sillion of Inria, as well as CorteXlab’s Tanguy Risset and CITI Labs’ Jean-Marie Garce.

Full PDF versions of the talks can be downloaded from Inria's webpage on the CorteXlab inauguration.

Learn more about the FIT project and be sure to also check out CorteXlab’s website for updates about the testbed.

CorteXlab Inaugural Ceremony
CorteXlab Inaugural Ceremony
CorteXlab Inaugural Ceremony

OneLab Now Open to the Public! / October 10, 2014

The OneLab federation officially opened for public use on August 22, 2014! Our portal can be accessed at, where users will be able to sign up and begin using all of our available testbed resources. OneLab allows users to choose from PlanetLab Europe, NITOS, and IoT-LAB testbeds, all of which vary in characteristics so as to enable the user to select those testbeds which are best suited for their experiments.


Sign-up on the OneLab portal is free and open to all who wish to benefit from use of our resources. After a new user signs up on the website, their identity will be validated by the OneLab support team and the user will then have immediate access to testbeds.

For more information, please visit our services page or our user stories page to find out how you can benefit from OneLab.

Equipex-FIT Steering Committee Meeting Held at UPMC / October 10, 2014

The LIP6 lab at UPMC welcomed the FIT-Equipex Steering Committee at a conference held Friday Oct. 10 in Paris. Committee members discussed the current success and future sustainability of FIT IoT-LAB platforms with relation to the OneLab testbed federation. The new FIT website was presented, as was the new CorteXlab (opening at the end of October). Please check out this link to see the demo of the new CorteXlab!

A demonstration on the functionality of the IoT-LAB iCube chamber was given, showing the use of robots to exhibit node mobility. The video of this can be found here, or you may visit the IoT-LAB website at for more information.

Be sure to visit the new FIT-Equipex website at to learn more about the platforms, including the new CorteXlab testbed.

Equipex-FIT Steering Committee Meeting Held at UPMC
Equipex-FIT Steering Committee Meeting Held at UPMC
Equipex-FIT Steering Committee Meeting Held at UPMC

III-OneLab Memorandum of Understanding / September 12, 2014

The Institute for Information Industry (III) of Taiwan signed a memorandum of understanding with the OneLab consortium on Friday Sept. 12. This new agreement will allow software components developed by OneLab and Equipex-FIT (Future Internet of Things) to be deployed within Taiwanese testbeds, thereby joining III with OneLab and allowing for shared and reciprocal access to resources. Present at the signing were Jong-Chin Shen, Taiwan’s Vice Minister of the Economy, and OneLab Chair Prof. Serge Fdida, who emphasized the significance of this collaboration in promoting future innovation in internet protocols and services on an international level.

III-OneLab Memorandum of Understanding
III-OneLab Memorandum of Understanding
III-OneLab Memorandum of Understanding

Workshop Invitation for SMEs / May 23, 2014

OneLab is promoting a workshop targeted at testbed use in industries, with particular emphasis on SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). This workshop will provide an outlet for small businesses to learn how they can benefit from use of open testbeds. The workshop is entitled, "Connecting European Innovators to ICT test facilities - How to push R&D&I boundaries and gain a competitive edge?" CI-FIRE and Fantaastic are organising this interative day on June 27, 2014 at the top floor of the Zamansky tower at Université Pierre et Marie Curie. The event is free, however pre-registration is required for admission. Come to test and play!

International Collaboration - China / April 18, 2014

OneLab teams with international partners on most continents. Since the beginning, there has been close collaboration with the US-GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovations) initiative. Brazilian, Australian and many Asian partners have been contributing to the global scale of the testbed federation pioneered by OneLab. One example of the ongoing dialogue and partnership with China is demonstrated through Prof. Serge Fdida's participation at the first EU-China FIRE Conference, which took place on April 18, 2014 in Beijing, China. The conference was organised according to the framework of the 2014 Global IPv6 & Next Generation Internet Summit hosted in parts by project partner BII and Global IPv6 Forum.

Vint Cerf Visits the OneLab NOC / March 5, 2014

Vint Cerf honoured the OneLab team with his visit to the Network Operations Center (NOC) in Paris. The team demonstrated access to federated resources, support and maintenance monitoring of the testbeds, and internet measurements in action. They also enjoyed inspiring discussion with Dr. Internet himself!

Vint Cerf Visits the OneLab NOC
Vint Cerf Visits the OneLab NOC
Vint Cerf Visits the OneLab NOC

OpenLab and Fed4FIRE Join Forces for Demonstration at ICT2013 Exhibition / November 6, 2013

OpenLab and Fed4FIRE presented the results of their collaboration through the demonstration "Robots' Dance," at a gathering held in Vilnius, Lithuania. Visitors were guided through the process of how to log into the OneLab portal and request resources from the various distributed testbeds. In this demonstration, wireless nodes in Volos and robots in Ghent were used to perform a chosen operation that could be watched through webcams at testbeds. iMinds, UTH, INRIA and UPMC provided elements necessary to this live demonstration, showing the power of federation in functionality, diversity and social impact offered to all networking enthusiasts Europe-wide.

Get started today.